Research Centers at Fresno State

CSU Fresno has a number of research centers that can provide Ed.D. faculty and students research opportunities and data for dissertations and continuous development of scholarly research.

Quicklinks to Research Centers



College of Education

University Center for Developmental Disabilities (UCDD)

Evaluation, assessment, training, support for autistic children, their parents and siblings. This is a clinical training program of the College of Education, Special Education credential program in cooperation with the departments of Nursing, Social Work, and Psychology. The clinical program is under contract with the County Regional Center for client services.

Dwight Sweeney (Dept. of Educational Psychology and Counseling)
(909) 537-3653, dsweeney@CSU
Web Page: http://www.CSU
Status: Active

CSU Fresno Center for Equity in Education

Established for program development, research and evaluation related to providing equitable education for students at all levels of the educational system. Special focus on special needs students in the public schools with different cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
Support: Self-supporting.

Juan Gutierrez (Dept. of Leadership, Curriculum and Instruction)
(909) 537-5625, jgutierr@CSU
Web Page: http://www.CSU
Status: Active

CSU Fresno Center for the Study of Correctional Education

Program development, research, evaluation, and training for teachers working in prisons and juvenile institutions. Conducts major assessment studies, program evaluation, and program development activities under contract with clients such as the California Department of Education, The California Department of Corrections and Youth Authority, as well as with institutions overseas. Publishes Journal of Correctional Education.

Carolyn Eggleston, Thomas Gehring (Dept. of Educational Policy and Research)
(909) 537-5654/5653, egglesto@CSU tgehring@CSU
Web Page: http://soe.CSU
Status: Active

CSU Fresno Environmental Education Resource Center

Regional environmental education materials and curriculum resource center. Its Network for Environment Science Teaching (NEST) offers K-12 teacher training along with quarterly newsletter. Organizes and presents annual Southern California Environmental EXPO, the largest outreach on the campus. Offers water education to schools. The Paul Cash Environmental Magic Show is an educational outreach program.

Darlene Stoner (Dept. of Educational Policy and Research)
(909) 537-5681, dstoner@CSU
Web Page: http://nest.CSU

College of Business and Public Administration

Institute Of Applied Research And Policy Analysis

Established in 1985 to meet the information needs of policy and decision-makers in the Inland Empire. Conducts applied business, social, and public policy research. Contracted survey research, marketing studies, general research and evaluation for state and local government, and private sectors. Partnership in Inland Empire Research Consortium with UCR Center for Social Research. Monthly Inland Empire Purchasing Manager Reports funded by local media and businesses.

Support: Self-supporting.
Shel Bockman, Professor - Dept. of Management
(909) 537-5733/5729, sbockman@CSU
Barbara Sirotnik, Professor Dept. of Information and. Decision Sciences
(909) 537-5733/5729, bsirotni@CSU
Webpage: http://iar.CSU

Inland Empire Center For Entrepreneurship (IECE)

Established as the result of several years of planning, curriculum development, and partnership building by members of the faculty and administration in the College of Business and Public Administration at California State University, San Bernardino. IECE has focused its programs and services in three areas:

  1. Entrepreneurship education
  2. Experiential learning and student internships
  3. Small business and entrepreneurial assistance

IECE meets the needs of small businesses and entrepreneurs in the community by offering business consulting services, student internship resources, and entrepreneurial training programs that will help them achieve greater levels of success in their business ventures. The IECE is currently under contracts with the US Department of Defense, the US Department of Commerce-SBA, Department of Transportation, US Department of Agriculture, and private sector funders to deliver services to special small business constituencies. Its subordinate units include the Woman’s Business Center, the Family Business Center, and the International Motorsports Alliance.

Director(s): Michael Stull, (909) 537-5708, mstull@CSU
Webpage: http://www.cbpa.CSU

College of Social and Behavioral Sciences

Institute For Child Development And Family Relations

The Institute for ChildDevelopment and Family Relations at California State University, San Bernardino has four components: 1) A model Laboratory School which serves both typically and atypically development infants through kindergarten –aged children, 2) A Child Assessment and Development Center which provides assessment and diagnostic services for families, 3) A Parenting and Family Relations Resources center which provides education, training and child and family counseling to the community, and 4) the existing University Center for Developmental Disabilities which serves children with autism and other pervasive developmental disabilities and their families under the Direction of Dr. Dwight Sweeney (College of Education).

Director(s): Sybil Carrère (Dept. of Psychology), scarrere@CSU
Webpage: http://icdfr.CSU
Status: Active

Learning Research Institute

Established to promote interdisciplinary scholarly focus on teaching and learning and how it may be improved. Goals include to formulate scholarly projects, generate financial and other support, allocate research funds, and otherwise serve as an advocate for scholarly attention on learning. Activities will include bringing in local and national speakers, offering access to and advice on relevant measures and assessments, promoting a research report series on learning at CSU Fresno, and conducting both immediate and long-term research projects.

Director(s): James C. Kaufman (Psychology), (909) 537-5570, jkaufman@CSU
Webpage: http://lri.CSU
Status: Active

SUSB Center for Criminal Justice Research

The Center provides expertise and research assistance to criminal justice agencies and organizations. Activities include the development of funded research projects involving faculty and students that focus on criminal justice policy issues concerning local and regional agencies and the conduct of program evaluations and community impact studies. The Center houses the Crime Prevention Analysis Lab, whose mission is to support and conduct research focusing on public space with a variety of tools and methods not commonly used in the Criminal Justice field. Research involves both community-wide crime mapping and place-intensive methods to assist agencies and community groups in the process of developing solutions in the areas of crime prevention.

Dale Sechrest, Gisela Bechler (Department of Criminal Justice)
(909) 537-5548/5510, dsechres@CSU gbichler@CSU
Web Page: http://ccjr.CSU
Status: Active

California Council on Economic Education

The office houses the statewide headquarters of the California Council on Economics Education. They support and encourages programs that provide K-12 teacher training in the economics method/enhancing K-12 economics curricular offerings to include information on the US economy, the world economic system, and the economics content of various social and political issues.

R. J. Charkins (Dept. of Economics), (909) 537-5494/5553, rcharkin@CSU
Web Page:
Status: Active

Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism

The Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University, San Bernardino is a non partisan organization that conducts research, formulates policies and engages in community partnerships to: 1) eliminate violent activities that undermine the stability of pluralistic democracy and, 2) resolve and eliminate conflict and violence on account of race, color, religion, national origin, age, disability, gender, or sexual orientation and immigration status.

Director(s): Brian Levin (Department of Criminal Justice), (909) 537-7711
Web Page:
Status: Active

Center of Islamic and Middle East Studies (CIMES)

Established in September 2005, it is a teaching and research center to serve the region, and the CSU by supporting the development of cross-disciplinary curricula, language programs in Arabic, Turkish, and Farsi, and research on issues related to the Middle East in world affairs.

Director(s): Ralph Salmi (Department of Political Science), 909-537-5539
Web Page: none
Status: Active

College of Natural Sciences

CSU Fresno Center for the Enhancement of Mathematics Education

Established to serve as a vehicle for identifying, analyzing, and addressing the needs of mathematics teachers in the Inland Empire. The Center has taken the leadership in developing collaborative grant proposals for mathematics education and science and technology education with the San Bernardino Superintendent of Schools and K-12 school districts within the Inland Empire Region and currently manages the regional California Mathematics Project and a NSF Noyce Scholars program.

Davida Fischman, (Dept. of Mathematics)
(909) 537-5394
Web Page: None
Status: Active

College of Arts and Letters

CSU Fresno Center for Prose Studies

Established to remedy the lack of a rigorous collective effort devoted to the product of expository writing instruction and of the prose itself.

Jacqueline Rhodes, Ellen Gil-Gomez (Dept. of English)
(909) 537-5026/5816
jrhodes@CSU egil@CSU
Web Page: None
Status: Active



Community – University Partnership Institute

The Community-University Partnerships (CUP) office advances community-based programs at CSU Fresno. CUP supports faculty in developing community-based teaching that integrates academic theory with community service and research to address local problems. By incorporating these projects into the curriculum, we teach students to be active citizens and that the theories taught in the classroom do apply to real-world issues. Central to the mission of CUP are three goals: 1) to integrate service learning and community-based research into the curriculum; 2) to support and promote high quality, reciprocal community-university partnerships that are firmly rooted in the curriculum; and 3) to foster the development of a civic perspective in education.

Director(s): Diane Podolsky, Interim Director, 909-537-5793, dpodolsk@CSU
Webpage: http://partnerships.CSU
Status: Active

International Institute

International program development to enhance intercultural communications and understanding. Coordination, facilitation, and support of campus-wide faculty and student international program development. Support of regional internationalization efforts, international business, exchange programs.

Support: Self-supporting. International Student Center provides space as needed.
Rosalie Giacchino-Baker, Professor - Dept. of Learning, Literature & Culture
(909) 537-7537/5193, rosalie@CSU
Elsa Ochoa-Fernandez – Director, International Student Services
(909) 537-7537/5193, elsa@CSU
Webpage: http://ii.CSU

Office Of Technology Transfer And Commercialization (OTTC)

The OTTC was established to help promote the growth of high-tech businesses, generate job growth, and economic development in the Inland Empire. Its operations provide exemplary, timely, and responsive business and research services to government agencies, private enterprise and academia in order to assist them in moving their technologies through the commercialization process. OTTC acts as a unique gateway between academia, government and the private sector by enhancing client services and benefits through strategic partnerships. To accomplish its mission OTTC works in conjunction with the following key partners: the CCAT at California State University San Bernardino, the San Diego-based Center for Commercialization of Advanced Technology.

The CCAT program in the (OTTC) offers clients a number of services designed to expedite the transition of new technologies to the marketplace or to the government for defense- or homeland security-related procurement purposes. Our services fall under two general categories: business related and research services. Clients seeking CCAT assistance can apply under one or both service categories, and will be evaluated on the basis of merit and relevance to the overall program.

Business Services designed to define the overall market and business potential of a given product or technology, our services include the following categories: Market Feasibility; Assessments; Market Analyses; Business Plan Development; Market Validation Studies.

Research Services designed to support, advance or complete the development of a new product or technology, our research services include the following categories: Technology Development; Prototype Development; Testing & Evaluation.

Vacant (Jeff Thompson, Vice Provost for Research--Interim)
Phone: 909-537-7766 , Fax: 909-537-7450
Webpage: http://ottc.CSU







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