Research Resources

This area provides examples and links useful for faculty, students, and P-12 and community college partners in CSU educational leadership programs in using online resources Participants can learn how peers in education and related disciplines are using digital learning objects and other online resources in their scholarship and their instruction. Featured here are exemplary resources that facilitate the conduct of high quality research, examples of outstanding research studies pertaining to educational leadership and reform, and links to high quality sites where additional research publications and tools can be readily accessed.

CSU Stanislaus Faculty-Selected Resources

CSU Stanislaus faculty have reviewed the resources in the MERLOT collection and has selected these for their quality and relevance for CSU Stanislaus Ed.D. students.

Search Online Collection of All CSU Libraries

The CSU libraries collaborate to acquire the highest quality and most valued library resources. They have also developed online services to search, find, and request any of the library resources across all the CSU campuses.

You can search the entire collection of all CSU libraries

Looking for help with Statistics?

MERLOT has a collection of web-based modules to help you refresh your skills in statistics: .

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MERLOT Teacher Education

The MERLOT Teacher Education Community’s site includes tips for teaching, information about the peer-review process, and search capability specifically for Teacher Education learning materials.

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