A CSU “Teaching and Learning Commons ”

This Educational Leadership Commons exemplifies and extends The Carnegie Foundation's idea of a "teaching commons". It is a community of faculty and students within this discipline who are committed to collaboration in teaching and learning in which they exchange ideas and best practices, discuss policy issues, and explore central research questions in educational leadership and reform.

The idea of a Teaching and Learning Commons is not new to academia. Faculty engaged in scientific research and disciplinary scholarship have long enjoyed collegial interactions and gained professional recognition through their participation in conferences and symposia, and this Commons extends such collaboration to teaching and involves students and leaders in P-12 and community college education as participants.

A CSU-MERLOT Partnership: CSU faculty and students can gain access to peer reviewed digital learning materials in their disciplines available through the Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching (MERLOT). MERLOT was created in 1997 by the CSU to help faculty and students share high quality online content and pedagogy. Under the CSU's leadership, MERLOT has grown to an international consortium of education institutions, professional societies, digital libraries, and corporations.

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California Educational Leadership Summit at UCEA (University Council for Educational Administration) November 19-22, 2009 at Anaheim CA

Outstanding presentations by deans of education, superintendents in southern CA, national policy leaders, and faulty researchers on ensuring strong leadership in public schools and STEM educational leadership.

Click here to see and listen to the narrated presentations by the experts and download their PowerPoint presentations.

Join Our Listserv

The list serv provides an efficient way to communicate to the entire community via email. The list serv is moderated by Joan Bissell to prevent spam and ensure all postings are on subject. To join the listserv contact jbissell@calstate.edu

Join the Conversation

MERLOT Voices enables you to easily collaborate with Ed.D. directors across the CSU system; share and upload content, participate in threaded discussion or synchronous chat.


All the news that is fit to print.