Research Databases

The CSU provides our EdD students and faculty with a wide range of high quality research databases that are managed at the system level and campus level.

Quantitative Databases

Social Science Research Databases:
DataQuest, California Department of Education:
Just for the Kids California:
Early Assessment Program Scores, Educational Testing Service:

Library Databases

CSULB Library:

Education Databases

ERIC (via CSA or EBSCO) : References to thousands of educational topics. Provides access to 1) Current Index to Journals in Education (CIJE), indexing approximately 750 journal and serial publications, and 2) Resources in Education (RIE), covering many different types of documents including lesson plans, research/technical reports, etc.

Kraus Curriculum Development Library: This searchable database of curricula, frameworks, and standards brings together educational objectives, content, instructional strategies, and evaluative techniques for all subjects covered in Pre K-12 and Adult Basic Education.

Education Index Retrospective 1929-1983: Cover-to-cover indexing of 600 periodicals in the areas of education history and foundations. It cites nearly one million articles, including book reviews.

Academic Search Elite: General subject database containing indexing and abstracts for over 3,000 journals, with many dating back to 1985. Academic Search Elite also provides full-text data for over 1,800 journals, with some information dating back to 1985.




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