Carnegie Project on the Educational Doctorate (CPED)

Actions for CSU CPED Convening on October 20 & 21, 2008

Review the CPED background and guidelines for the CSU Campus participation

  1. Formal Description of CPED. Provides the overall project background, written about the project on a national level. Our CSU implementation will be slightly different in the details, but the same general idea.

  2. The CPED "Commitment to Engage" which outlines the basic commitments to participate as a partner in the CPED work, on the national level.

  3. The "Reclaiming Education's Doctorates" powerpoint. Especially relevant to the CSU work is the "Impact" slide, near the end.

  4. "Preparing Stewards of the Discipline" by Chris Golde.

Campus Teams complete PreWork for CSU CPED October 20 & 21 Convening

  1. Review Reading Materials for October 20 & 21 Convening.
  2. Prepare responses to Prework Assignment for Convening.
  3. Create a Poster about your Ed.D Program that relates it to CPED
    The poster prepared for the last National CPED meeting by CSU Fresno focused on features examined at the first CSU CPED meeting.
  4. Examine CPED October 20 & 21 Agenda.

Reading Materials for CSU CPED Convening on October 20 & 21, 2008

Envisioning the Future of Doctoral Education
Chris M. Golde & George E. Walker (2006)

Envisioning the Future of Doctoral Education is a collection of essays commissioned for the Carnegie Initiative on the Doctorate. The question posed to the essayists in this volume was, "If you could start de novo, what would be the best way to structure doctoral education in your field to prepare stewards of the discipline?" The authors of the essays are respected thinkers, researchers, and scholars who are experienced with and thoughtful about doctoral education.

The Formation of Scholars: Rethinking Doctoral Education for the Twenty-first Century
George Walker, Chris M. Golde, Laura Jones, Andrea Conklin Bueschel & Pat Hutchins (2007)

This groundbreaking book explores the current state of doctoral education in the United States and offers a plan for increasing the effectiveness of doctoral education. Programs must grapple with questions of purpose. The authors examine practices and elements of doctoral programs and show how they can be made more powerful by relying on principles of progressive development, integration, and collaboration. They challenge the traditional apprenticeship model and offer an alternative in which students learn while apprenticing with several faculty members. The authors persuasively argue that creating intellectual community is essential for high-quality graduate education in every department. Knowledge-centered, multigenerational communities foster the development of new ideas and encourage intellectual risk taking.

Reclaiming Education's Doctorate: A Critque and a Proposal
Lee S. Shulman, Chris M. Golde, Andrea Conklin Bueschel, and Kristen J. Garabedian (2006)

Building on lessons learned from the Carnegie Initiative on the Doctorate and in the Carnegie Foundation's studies of the preparation for the professions, the authors argue that reclaiming and rethinking the research doctorate (Ph.D.) and distinguishing the practice doctorate (Ed.D. or P.P.D.) in education is possible.

Comments on Shulman, Golde, Bueschel, and Garabedian: Evans, R. (2007). Existing practice is not the template. Educational Researcher, 36, 553-559.

Response to Comments: Shulman, L.S. (2007). Practical wisdom in the service of professional practice. Educational Researcher, 36, 560-563.

Counting and Recounting: Assessment and the Quest for Accountability
Lee S. Shulman (2007)
Shulman takes a critical look at the accountability of assessment in education.

Additional Background Readings (optional)

Signature Pedagogies in the Profession
Lee S. Shulman (2005)

Shulman talks about signature pedagogies, the types of teaching that organize the fundamental ways in which future practitioners are educated for their new professions. In these signature pedagogies, the novices are instructed in critical aspects of the three fundamental dimensions of professional work--to think, to perform, and to act with integrity. But these three dimensions do not receive equal attention across the professions.

The Scholarship of Teaching: New Elaborations, New Developments.
Pat Hutchings & Lee S. Shulman (1999)

Hutchings and Shulman reflect on the work of the Carnegie Academy for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (CASTL) and discuss new ideas in the scholarhip of teaching.

Report of October 20-21 Convening

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Campus Responses to
CPED October Pre-Work:

Participating campuses are examining a number of fundamental issues related to preparing stewards of the profession and candidate assessment. Details are available on the CSU CPED Community of Practice web site.